Reading for Fun 好文趣事

文章一:Weekend Exercise Might Be All You Need
Bike trips, hikes, or marathon yard work sessions crammed in over your weekend may be sufficient exercise to lower your risk of disease—even if you don’t work out the rest of the week. According to a recent study, getting the recommended amount of physical activity offers significant health benefits regardless of when you do it.
To study how the change in exercise duration and frequency affects disease risk, 89,573 people were split into three groups based on their exercise habits: Inactive: Less than 150 minutes of activity per week. Regular activity: 150 or more minutes spread across multiple days. Weekend warrior: 150 or more minutes in one to two days.
Adhering to either a regular or weekend warrior pattern provided the greatest risk reductions for more than 200 diseases and conditions, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Based on these results, the study’s authors concluded that the total amount you exercise may be more important than how often you work out.
1. 根據本文,下列何者有誤?
2. 根據本文,遵循哪些運動模式能有效降低罹患200多種疾病的風險?
3. 閱讀完本文後,您有何感想?在繁忙的周間工作日常下,您也是「週末勇士」成員之一?
1. (2)
2. Adhering to either a regular or weekend warrior pattern provided the greatest risk reductions for more than 200 diseases and conditions.(遵循規律或「週末勇士」模式,能大幅降低罹患兩百多種疾病或症狀的風險。)
文章二:Making Exercise More Accessible
Some movement is better than none, so if the weekend is the only time you have to exercise, take advantage of it.
Dr. McDowell, an orthopedic physical therapist, encourages people to find opportunities for activity every day. She says that even just five minutes of movement can benefit bone, gut, and mental health, and it takes only 12 minutes to start seeing cardiovascular benefits.
She also uses a concept called baselining to help people increase their activity levels over time. “Baseline” is the longest period you can perform an activity before feeling fatigued, sore, or in need of extra rest.
“Once you have your baseline, then you have a better sense of what your capacity is,” she says. “And when we’re building programs for people to improve, we generally ... don’t increase more than 10 to maybe 20 percent per week.”
1. 根據本文敘述,何者有誤?
2. 根據本文,什麼是「baseline」?
3. 您也認同本文想傳達的訊息嗎?您平時的運動規律是什麼?為什麼喜歡這種運動模式?
1. (1)
2. “Baseline” is the longest period you can perform an activity before feeling fatigued, sore, or in need of extra rest. (「底線」是指你在感到疲累、痠痛,或需額外休息之前,能持續運動的最長時間。)