單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)
High vs. Tall
● high
英譯:We use high for mountains and for things which are a long way above the ground.
There are some high mountains in the north of the country.(該國北邊有一些高山。)
The light switch is too high for a child to use.(電燈開關太高,兒童無法使用。)
● tall
英譯:We use tall to talk about people. Also, we use tall to describe things which are high and thin in their shape (e.g. buildings, trees)
Tall people often have larger feet.(高個子的人通常有較大的腳。)
That very tall, white building is where I work.(那座很高的白色建築就是我工作的地方。)◇