Reading for Fun 好文趣事

Key Nutrients for Mental Health。(123RF)
Key Nutrients for Mental Health。(123RF)


文章一:Key Nutrients for Mental Health

Modern science has proven that certain nutrients are essential for mental health:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These are the building blocks of brain cells and help reduce inflammation. Foods like salmon and walnuts are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

B Vitamins
Vitamins B6, B12, and B9(folate)are crucial for neurotransmitter production. A deficiency may lead to irritability, fatigue, and depression.

Known as a natural relaxant, magnesium helps alleviate stress and promote better sleep. Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate.

About 90 percent of the “happiness hormone” serotonin is produced in the gut. Fermented foods like yogurt, pickled vegetables, and kefir support gut health by providing beneficial probiotics, which, in turn, influence mood and brain function

1. 根據本文,下列何者有誤?


2. 根據本文,發酵食品,例如優格等,為何對腸道有益?

3. 讀完本文後,您有何感想?本文提到幾種有益心理健康的營養或食品,您是否也有同感?


2.  Fermented foods, like yogurt, support gut health by providing beneficial probiotics.(發酵食品如優格等,能提供好的益生菌以利腸道健康。)


Practical Tips for Mental Health by Dietary Improvement。(123RF)Practical Tips for Mental Health by Dietary Improvement。(123RF)

Practical Tips for Mental Health by Dietary Improvement

Practical Tips for Mental Health by Dietary Improvement

Start improving your mental health by making dietary adjustments. Here are some simple and actionable suggestions.

Eat More Natural Foods: Incorporate plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and eggs into your diet. Embrace TCM principles by adding warming foods like ginger tea or vegetable porridge when feeling fatigued or anxious.

Boost Key Nutrients: Aim to eat fish high in omega-3 at least twice a week, or include probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, daily.

Avoid Junk Food: Limit processed foods and sugary snacks, as they can cause significant mood swings.

Be Patient: Focus on consistent, gradual changes. Small, sustained efforts over time can lead to significant benefits.

Mental health and physical health are intricately connected, with diet serving as the bridge between the two. By consciously choosing a healthy diet, you can nourish your body, improve your mood, and enhance focus and creativity.

1. 根據本文敘述,下列何者有誤?


2. 根據本文,刻意選擇健康飲食,有何益處?

3. 除了本文提到的改善心理健康的建議外,你是否有其他不同方式可分享?


2.  You can nourish your body, improve your mood, and enhance focus and creativity.(你可滋養身體、改善心情、增強專注力和創造力。)


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