【學英文 懂新聞】護國神山帶領臺灣 站上世界之巔

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang responds to Chinese criticism of his Taiwan comments。(123TG)
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang responds to Chinese criticism of his Taiwan comments。(123TG)



《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang responds to Chinese criticism of his Taiwan comments

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Nvidia Corporation CEO Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) defended describing Taiwan as a country Saturday (June 8) following criticism from media and netizens in China.

Huang, who was born in Taiwan, spent the past week visiting the annual Computex fair, but also enjoying a status as an AI technology superstar. Everywhere he went, from buying fruit at a night market to throwing the first pitch at a baseball game, he was mobbed by fans asking for his autograph, leading to being described as the Taylor Swift of tech.

However, his repeated comments on Taiwan’s importance in the AI era caused a backlash in China. During a walk at a night market,he told a reporter that “Taiwan is one of the most important countries in the world,” being at the center of the electronics industry. He emphasized that the computer industry was built because of Taiwan, “so it’s a very, very important country.”

State-controlled media and netizens objected to the use of the word “country,” saying Chinese companies would not do business with companies accepting Taiwan independence, the Liberty Times reported.

Asked about China’s when leaving his Taipei hotel for the airport Saturday morning, Huang said he had not been voicing an opinion on a geopolitical issue, but had just wanted to express gratitude to all the technology partners for their support and contributions to Nvidia over the years.



黃仁勳出生在臺灣,過去一週不僅造訪年度臺北電腦展,更坐擁人工智慧技術(AI)巨星地位。不論是在夜市買水果,還是替棒球比賽開球,他走到哪裡都會被粉絲團團包圍索取簽名,黃還因此獲得科技界「泰勒絲」(Taylor Swift)的美名。





mob,動詞 /ˈmɑb/ 包圍


英解:to come together around someone in a crowd to express admiration, interest, or anger

例句:The pop singer was mobbed by teenagers.(這位流行歌手被青少年粉絲團團圍住。)

backlash,名詞 /ˈbæk.læʃ/ 強烈反對


英解:a strong feeling among a group of people in reaction to a change or recent events in society or politics

例句:Such a decision may provoke a backlash from their supporters.(這樣的決定可能會引起他們支持者的強烈反對。)

electronics,名詞 /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɑnɪks/ 電子學


英解:the scientific study of electric current and the technology that uses it

例句:In the electronics industry, 50,000 jobs are now being needed.(電子產業目前有5萬個就業需求。)

gratitude,名詞 /ˈgrætəˌtud/ 感激


英解:the feeling of showing or expressing thanks

例句:Tears of gratitude filled her eyes.(她眼裡充滿感激的淚水。)



* 台積電(TSMC)為何稱作是臺灣的「護國神山」?

* AI是什麼?試討論AI可能有的優點、缺點。


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