Reading for Fun 好文趣事

Why do cavities occur? Here are some common causes。(123RF)
Why do cavities occur? Here are some common causes。(123RF)


文章一:4 Causes of Tooth Decay

Why do cavities occur? Here are some common causes:

Acidic foods and beverages:

Sweet treats, soda, and fruit juice are highly acidic beverages that can directly acidify teeth, disrupting the natural pH balance in the mouth. In an acidic environment, dental plaque adheres to the teeth, making teeth more susceptible to enamel erosion and contributing to tooth decay. Sticky sweets, such as candies, chocolates, cookies, and pastries, can coat the surface of the teeth, providing abundant nutrients for bacteria in the mouth.

Fried and spicy foods:

Excessive intake can lead to swollen and inflamed gums, bad breath, dry mouth, and even tooth decay.

Unhealthy habits: 

Regularly staying up late, excessive work, high stress, and insomnia can weaken the body's immune system. This can lead to a proliferation of bacteria in the mouth, which can accumulate on the teeth or gum tissues, resulting in swollen and inflamed gums or tooth decay.

Insufficient saliva production:

 Low saliva production can make the mouth acidic, speeding up the loss of calcium and minerals from the teeth and potentially leading to tooth decay.

1. 根據本文敘述,下列何者關於導致蛀牙的原因有誤?


2. 根據本文,為何太甜的食物容易導致蛀牙?

3. 你有一口好牙嗎?還是常去牙科修補蛀牙?讀完本文後,對於牙齒保健,你會有不同做法嗎?


2. Sticky sweets can coat the surface of the teeth, providing abundant nutrients for bacteria in the mouth.  (太甜的甜食會包覆牙齒表面,提供充足養分給口腔裡的細菌。)



文章二:4 Foods for Preventing Tooth Decay

Some foods contribute to protecting our dental health. For instance, onions and cheese can help prevent and even improve tooth decay.

4 Foods for Preventing Tooth Decay。(123RF)4 Foods for Preventing Tooth Decay。(123RF)

1. Onion

Onions help lower cholesterol and prevent tooth decay. The sulfur compounds in onions exhibit potent antibacterial properties. Regular consumption of onions can also boost immunity and prevent heart disease.

2. Cheese

Consuming cheese stimulates saliva production, which protects against tooth decay. Cheese contains phosphorus and calcium, which readily dissolve in saliva. The increased saliva created during chewing promotes the release of these minerals, which are vital for bone and tooth health.

3. Propolis

Propolis—a resin-like substance that bees produce to build their hives—can kill Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria responsible for tooth decay, and help remove plaque. In fact, many toothpaste products on the market include propolis for its decay-preventing properties.

4. Foods Rich in Natural Fluoride

Foods rich in natural fluoride exhibit a preventive effect against tooth decay. Examples include fish, shrimp, seaweed, jellyfish, apples, lettuce, mineral water, and tea leaves.

1. 根據本文敘述,關於預防蛀牙,何者有誤?


2. 根據本文,經常食用「洋蔥」除了能降低膽固醇、預防蛀牙外,還有什麼好處?

3. 讀完本文後,有何感想?試分享你平時預防蛀牙的做法?


2. Regular consumption of onions can also boost immunity and prevent heart disease. (經常食用洋蔥還可增強免疫力,預防心臟病。)


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