Reading for Fun 好文趣事

文章一:Why You Should Eat Your Fruit, Not Drink It
1. High Fructose Corn Syrup
A prime culprit jeopardizing health is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), added liberally to many fruit drinks. Consuming excessive amounts of HFCS has been linked to weight gain, cavities, and a heightened risk for diabetes and heart disease.
2. Lack of Essential Nutrients
Fruit punches and drinks boast nutrient richness. However, processing these beverages degrades or destroys the essential vitamins and antioxidants occurring abundantly in fresh fruit.
3. Artificial Additives
Mass-produced fruit punches and drinks hide chemical additives behind their fruity veneers. Artificial dyes, flavors, and the like enhance their taste, appearance, and shelf stability.
4. Misleading Marketing
The marketing strategies employed by companies often present fruit punches and drinks as healthy choices, hiding their true nature. Eye-catching labels with pictures of fresh fruits, combined with claims of natural flavors or added vitamins, can mislead consumers into believing they are making a nutritious choice. Unfortunately, the reality is often far from the advertised claims.
1. 根據本文敘述,下列哪一項有誤?
2. 攝取過量的高果糖漿易導致哪些健康問題?
3. 你也喜歡喝果汁勝過吃水果嗎?讀完本文後,有任何想法轉變嗎?理由是?
1. (2)
2. Consuming excessive amounts of HFCS has been linked to weight gain, cavities, and a heightened risk for diabetes and heart disease.(攝取過量的高果糖漿易造成體重增加、蛀牙,以及提高罹患糖尿病和心臟病的風險。)
文章二:4 Cold Remedies to Try Right Now
Use A Humidifier
A humidifier won’t get rid of your cold, but if you have a stuffy nose, it might make it easier for you to breathe. It does this by helping to keep the mucous membranes in the lining of your nose moist. Try to maintain your room’s humidity somewhere between 30 and 50 percent.
Gargle With Saltwater
When mucus drips into the back of your throat, you may end up with a sore throat, but gargling with salt water may provide temporary relief. Try mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of table salt into 4 to 8 ounces (120~240ml.)of warm water, and then gargle. While it won’t cure the underlying infection, it’s not likely to be harmful.
Drink Lots Of Water
Although staying hydrated doesn’t reduce the duration of cold symptoms, it may ease them. Drinking plenty of water can loosen congestion in the throat and maintain your balance of bodily fluids.
Over-The-Counter Medications
Unfortunately, there’s no medication proven to cure the common cold. Sometimes, however, nasal decongestant or antihistamine medicines may help a runny nose and sneezing. Some pain relievers can ease discomfort associated with a headache or sore throat, as well, and certain cough suppressant medications could help control short-term coughing.
1. 本文關於感冒的敘述,下列何者有誤?
2. 目前藥物對治療感冒的效果如何?
3. 對於緩解感冒症狀,您還有什麼法寶妙招可供分享?
2. There’s no medication proven to cure the common cold.(目前沒有藥物證明可以治癒感冒。)