Reading for Fun 好文趣事

Tired After Lunch?(123RF)
Tired After Lunch?(123RF)


1. 文章一Tired After Lunch?

Feeling drowsy after lunch is common, but a few simple tips can help.

Replacing refined and simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, donuts, and sodas, with complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread or brown rice, beans, and vegetables, is a major step in the right direction. Complex carbohydrates, which usually contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, take longer to digest than simple carbohydrates and are less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar, which eventually “crash,” leaving you tired again.

Eating a smaller portion at lunchtime, and then having an afternoon snack, instead of consuming a single, large meal, may also help ease the energy-consuming work your digestive system has to do.

Staying hydrated throughout the day can also help ward off fatigue. Water is essential for nutrients to be effectively transported to cells throughout the body, and dehydration can leave you feeling tired. Drinking plenty of liquids (ideally water) throughout the day can help both your mind and body function at their best.

Getting out for an after-lunch walk is also a great way to keep energy levels stable throughout the afternoon. Exercise boosts the delivery of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, including the brain, and can help you stay alert.

Combined with being mindful of what and how much is on your lunch plate and staying hydrated, you can stay focused and fully awake, even at 4 p.m.

1. 根據本文,要避免午餐後昏昏欲睡,下列敘述哪一項錯誤?


2. 想避免午餐後昏昏欲睡,上述文章中有哪幾種建議?

3. 每天午餐後,您也有相同困擾嗎?本文的建議您也有採用嗎?


2. Replacing refined and simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates;Eating a smaller portion at lunchtime, and then having an afternoon snack;Staying hydrated throughout the day;Getting out for an after-lunch walk.(以複合碳水化合物取代精製單一碳水化合物;午餐減量,下午再吃些點心;全天持續補充水分;午餐後出去散散步。)



2. 文章二
What to Do When You're Too Tired to Cook5-Menu Rotation

What to Do When YouWhat to Do When You're Too Tired to Cook5-Menu Rotation。(123RF)

Come up with five simple menus you know your family will eat, one for each night of the week. These don’t have to be gourmet or anything fancy at all. Example: Monday: Spaghetti, salad, and bread. Tuesday: Meatloaf, baked potatoes, green beans, and so on.

Weekend Dinners

Ask your spouse to handle one weekend dinner and give it a name like Daddy’s or Mommy's Special Dinner, or let the kids give it a title. That leaves one family fun night or some other reason to order in pizza.

Double Up

Once you have your base menu, as you are able and have sufficient ingredients, double the recipe. It takes the same amount of time and effort to double the recipe to make two. Bake one for tonight’s dinner, freeze the second for next week.

Set the Table

Set the dinner table for the next day before you go to bed at night. Waking up to a nicely set table sends a silent message that dinner is important.

Shine the Sink

Before you go to bed, clear out the sink of everything (either wash the dishes or load them in the dishwasher), scrub, rinse well, and then shine it with a towel. Five minutes to a new attitude.  

1. 根據本文,準備晚餐如何省時又省力,下列何者有誤?


2. 根據本文,什麼是5-Menu Rotation

3. 您每天會跟家人一同晚餐嗎?您最喜歡本文的哪個做法?除了本文提供的撇步外,您還會怎麼做呢?


1. (4)

2. Come up with five simple menus you know your family will eat, one for each night of the week.(設想一週五套你知道家人會吃的簡單菜肴,每頓晚餐輪流使用一套。)  


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