Reading for Fun好文趣事

‘Healthier’ Furniture Without PFAS Toxins Brings Healthier Offices
Equipping offices with “healthier” furnishings could reduce human exposure to risky PFAS chemicals, new research suggests. PFAS—or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances—are called “forever chemicals” because they persist in the environment. Used for stain and water resistance, at least 12,000types of PFAS are found in products such as furniture, carpet, textiles, food packaging, nonstick cookware, cosmetics, and firefighting foam. Linked to thyroid disease, stunted development, weakened immune systems, high cholesterol, testicular cancer, obesity, and diabetes, these chemicals have been detected in the blood of more than 98 percent of Americans.
1.根據本文,關於PFAS,下面哪一項說錯了? (1)存在於生活中可能有多種物質(2)是一種永恆性的化學物質(3)幾乎所有美國人體內都可能) PFAS(4)可能免疫系統失調
2. 根據本文,生活中哪些產品中可能存在有害物質PFAS?
2. such as furniture, carpet, textiles, food packaging, nonstick cookware, cosmetics, and firefightin(例如:家具、地毯、紡織品、食品包裝物、不沾鍋具、化妝品、滅火泡沫等。)
Child Danger: Almost Half of Parents Have Leftover Meds at Home
Getting into prescription or over-the-counter medicines at home is a major source of accidental poisoning for young children. Yet, nearly half of parents say they have leftover prescriptions at home, a new poll shows. More than one-third of parents said it was never okay to give their child expired medicine. Another one-third said it’s fine to give expired medicine up to three months past the expiration date. About the same number said it would be acceptable to give the medicine six months or longer past the expiration date. The expiration date is the manufacturer’s guarantee that a medication is fully safe and effective; over time, the medicine will lose its effectiveness.
1.根據本文,下面哪一項說的不正確? (1)近五成母親會保護未吃完的藥 (2)藥品過期不會顯效 (3)有1/3父親年任期藥品(4)超過三成爸爸認為不應給孩子過期藥品
2. a medication is fully safe and effect(該藥很安全有效。)