Reading for Fun(好文趣事)

單元 1:Reading for Fun 好文趣事
1.How to Be a Perfect Neighbor
Whether we live in a house or an apartment, it has become normal not to know the people living around us. Good neighbors don't just happen, but the results are well worth the effort.
Be Friendly
Without being a stalker, make an effort to meet your neighbors. If you see them in the yard, a friendly wave and “Hi” may lead to more regular chats. You may even discover that you have a lot in common and become friends.
Be Helpful
If you see a neighbor struggling with a trash can or a large box dropped off by UPS, offer to help. Most times they'll say they're OK, but it shows a friendliness on your part. The best neighbors are those ready to lend a helping hand.
Be Courteous
Being a good neighbor is easy when you treat your neighbors as you would want to be treated. If you receive their mail by mistake, deliver it to them. Clean up after your pets and kids, and take care to not let parties run too late or to get too loud.
Maintain Your Property
The condition and appearance of your home affect the overall community and especially those homes near yours. It shows respect for your neighbors.
Be Aware
By making a point of meeting your neighbors and knowing their kids, pets, and even their vehicles, it becomes easy to notice when something is amiss. Be aware of cars parked at vacant homes or strangers repeatedly driving through the neighborhood. If you see a neighbor, their child, or their pet in distress, offer assistance—just as you hope they would do for you.
1. 根據本文,想成為大家都喜愛的好鄰居,下列哪一項不是作者的建議?(1)將自己家的外觀和周遭環境整理乾淨(2)看到鄰居在收取大型包裹時,應該主動詢問是否幫忙(3)設法與鄰居聊聊天,找出彼此的相似處(4)不小心收到鄰居的信件時,可以親自拿過去給他們。
2. 最後一段第三行的「amiss」,根據上下文意,與哪一個字意思最接近(1)missing(2)fun(3)wrong (4)unhappy?
3. 在今日繁忙的生活型態與重視個人隱私的情況下,您覺得維繫好鄰居關係,或成為一個好鄰居,有其必要性嗎?試分享之。
1. (3)
2. (3)
2. How to Be a Great Sibling
Our brothers and sisters can be an amazing support group as we make our way through life. However, this relationship has to be fostered rather than taken for granted.
Be There
As children, our siblings were there when you needed help building a model or learning to play baseball. Now that we're adults, the games may have changed, but the need for an occasional hand hasn't. Be the person they can turn to in times of need, grief, and happiness.
Let Go of the Past
Growing up, from childhood to adulthood, can be tumultuous. Conflicts left to fester may only get worse with the passage of time. Rather than waiting for them to reach out, be the bigger person and try to mend fences and hopefully start anew; it won't always work, but at least you'll know you tried.
Respect Them
As adults, it can be hard for older siblings to respect their younger brothers or sisters, as they still see them the way they were as children. If you're older, acknowledge your younger siblings and their successes. You're the hero they worshipped when they were kids. Your continued support even now, years later, still means the world.
Stay in Touch
Our lives get busier and more complicated as we grow up and become engrossed in our families and careers. Send an occasional text or surprise them with a call to let them know you're thinking of them; it just might make their day brighter.
Be Honest
Trust must be earned and maintained, making honesty the best policy for a strong relationship. Sometimes it may be difficult to accept a sibling's choices, so be open with them about your feelings to prevent a rift from forming.
1. 根據本文,下面哪一個選項,對於如何「扮演好兄弟姊妹的角色」沒有助益?(1)經常傳封簡訊或撥電話關心(2)誠實表達出對彼此選擇的意見(3)要耐心等待犯錯的一方道歉後,再無條件原諒(4)雖然是長輩,仍應當尊敬晚輩。
2. 根據本文的解釋,為何兄姊長輩較不易「尊敬」弟妹?
3. 要成為一個稱職的兄弟姊妹,必定會有所付出,試分享一個令家人津津樂道,您親身體驗的兄弟姊妹的優點。
1. (3)
2. They still see them the way they were as children. (他們仍然是以小時候的方式在看待他們。)