Reading for Fun 好文趣事

6 Tips to Relieve Constipation: Nutritionist。(123RF)
6 Tips to Relieve Constipation: Nutritionist。(123RF)


6 Tips to Relieve Constipation: Nutritionist

Taiwanese nutritionist Liao Min-Han said that after eating, food passes through the stomach and enters the intestines where it stays for up to 48 hours. Therefore, she said, it is normal that bowel movements may occur three times a day or once every three days.

According to Liao, most instances of constipation occur habitually due to poor diet and lifestyle choices. She recommends the following to ensure good excretory health:

1. Consume 25 to 35 grams of dietary fiber each day.

2. Drink at least 2,000 milliliters of plain water daily.

3. Ingest appropriate fats to help lubricate the intestines.

4. Engage in regular exercise and abdominal massages to help intestinal peristalsis.

5. Supplement as necessary with foods rich in probiotics and vitamin B1.

6. Develop the habit of going to the bathroom when you need to without delays.

Liao warned that people who experience constipation may become vulnerable to developing hemorrhoids. To prevent this from happening she advised resisting the temptation to force a bowel movement by spending over 10 minutes on the toilet.

1. 根據本文,下列關於預防constipation,哪一項敘述錯誤?

2. 根據本文,多久排便一次算是正常?

3. 您也有constipation的困擾嗎?本文提到的6項建議,您做到幾項?其他方法?


1. (4)

2. It is normal that bowel movements may occur three times a day or once every three days.(排便1天3次或3天1次屬正常。)



4 Health Benefits of Black Fungus

4 Health Benefits of Black Fungus。(123RF)4 Health Benefits of Black Fungus。(123RF)

Black fungus is an edible wild mushroom and a popular culinary ingredient in Asian cuisine. It is smooth and tender, and packed with health benefits.

It’s rich in antioxidants and abundant in protein, iron, calcium, and B vitamins. Dr. Yu-Hsiang Fu, an internal medicine physician and the director of Xiangzhan Clinic in Taiwan, introduced the following four major health benefits of black fungus

1. Intestinal health: black fungus is rich in dietary fiber, mainly water-soluble fiber, which can help gastrointestinal motility, promote defecation, and improve constipation.

2. Weight loss: black fungus is strong in water absorption; water-soluble fiber can reduce the amount of food intake and increase satiety, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Cholesterol reduction: the high amount of dietary fiber in black fungus can lower cholesterol levels, slow the rise of blood sugar, and protect the cardiovascular system, thereby preventing arteriosclerosis and stroke.

4. Cardiovascular protection: black fungus contains a variety of anticoagulant substances, which can inhibit platelet aggregation in the blood vessel wall, improve blood consistency, and prevent thrombosis, thus improving cardiovascular health.

1. 根據本文,下列哪一項關於black fungus有誤?

2. 根據本文,black fungus至少富含哪5種營養素?

3. 試分享一個您最喜歡的black fungus料理?


1. (3)

2. It’s rich in antioxidants and abundant in protein, iron, calcium, and B vitamins.(它富含抗氧化物、蛋白質、鐵、鈣、維生素B群等。)


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