Reading for Fun 好文趣事

1. 文章一:Do You Have Chronic Inflammation?
How do we know if we have chronic inflammation? The symptoms can often be subtle and easy to miss, but if you pay attention to these five signs, you can better determine if you have chronic inflammation:
DepressionConstantly tired and easily fatiguedInexplicable skin rashNasal congestion or sneezing without a respiratory infectionObesity
Ways to Build an Inflammation-Free Body
To build an inflammation-free body, Dr. Chen Junru from Jinghe Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Taiwan believes the most crucial thing is sufficient and high-quality sleep, followed by eliminating inflammation-causing stress. Sleep is the most critical time for the body to self-repair. Insufficient sleep, poor sleep quality, and too much emotional stress cause inflammation. In addition to having a balanced diet and eating more antioxidant foods, Dr. Chen believes choosing a quality edible oil is essential. Reusing cooking oil can lead to its oxidation, resulting in inflammation in the body. At the same time, overeating processed food will also cause inflammation. She encourages people to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits with antioxidants to fight free radicals and to also use high-quality, healthy cooking oils.
1. 根據本文關於身體「慢性發炎」的敘述,下列哪一項有誤?
2. 根據本文,吃太多什麼類型食物易造成發炎?
3. 對照本文所述幾項身體不適的徵兆,請檢視自己是否有發炎現象。如果有,您會立即採取什麼方法改善?
1. (3)
2. Overeating processed food will cause inflammation.(食用過量加工食品易引起發炎。)
2. 文章二:The Best Way to Recover From Fatigue
As a fitness coach, here are my three tips for recovering from fatigue and developing a fatigue-resistant physique.
1. Sleep at the Right Time
Sleep is the best time for the body to repair itself, but some people still feel tired no matter how long they sleep. The problem lies in whether you sleep at the right time. The 12-hour meridian health regimen of TCM divides the 24 hours of the day into 12 2-hour intervals, and each corresponds to one viscera. The period from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. corresponds to the gallbladder and liver meridians. Entering deep sleep at this time is most beneficial to the liver and gallbladder’s health. So sleeping at the right time can be more effective in restoring energy than how long you sleep.
2. Don’t Sit for Too Long
Sitting for a long time at work, playing video games, or watching TV are all sedentary activities detrimental to physical fitness. Being physically unfit will make you more tired. Set an alarm that reminds you to stand up every hour to move around for 5 to 10 minutes, use the restroom, drink water, or stretch.
3. Exercise to Strengthen Muscles
Both muscle strength and muscle endurance are very important. I suggest you engage in moderate-intensity exercise to train yourself. Moderate intensity is when you can sweat a little and even converse while exercising. Aim to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at this level three times a week. During exercise, the brain releases dopamine, which makes you feel happy and less tense. Sticking to this routine will help you build a body resistant to fatigue and inflammation.
1. 本文關於「恢復疲勞」,下列何者有誤?
2. 根據本文,晚上11點到半夜3點呈睡眠狀態,對身體哪些器官較好?
3. 如果您也時常感到疲倦,不仿嘗試本文提及的方法,看看是否有所改善。
1. (1)
2. Entering deep sleep at this time is most beneficial to the liver and gallbladder’s health.(此時進入深層睡眠,有利肝、膽的健康。)