
Reading for Fun好文趣事。(123RF)
Reading for Fun好文趣事。(123RF)


單元1Reading for Fun 好文趣事

I. 閱讀這篇文章,並一起動動腦,思考以下問題:

Bethany and Scott Palmer are better known as The Money Couple—both financial planners of more than 20 years, they have made it their mission to save marriages by making talking about money something accessible and less stressful.

It started years ago, when the Palmers were sitting in a conference room going over an account review with a couple who was financially really well off, but unhappy.

The Palmers had known the couple for a while and had children the same age, so they were shocked, and Bethany asked why they were getting a divorce.

Scott called them two days later to follow up, because he couldn't understand what kind of money fights they could be having, to the point of wanting a divorce.

“He went on to explain to me that every day, they were having disagreements over money every day,” Scott said. It would start with the morning coffee—he liked to buy a morning cup, she was always handing him a thermos so he could save that money—then client lunches, and so on and so forth.(文章來源:英文大紀元時報)

1. 故事裡想要離婚的夫妻是因為什麼理由?

2. 請問你和你的另一半,也有同樣的問題嗎?請問你們如何處理?(目前的狀況)

 (123RF) (123RF)

3. 請問你是個節省的人嗎?在家人或朋友眼中,你對金錢的態度符合你自認為的個性嗎?


II. 一起玩這個小遊戲,找出答案後,並思考以下問題:

It's been scientifically proven that playing games and puzzles sharpens your mind.

It's known that crossword puzzles can boost memory and stave off dementia, according to some studies; meanwhile, games can also increase your IQ.

Below is an illustration where you will see a sea of letters, and all of them may appear to be the same letter X…… but they're NOT! Hidden among the seemingly identical letters, there are a handful of odd ones. You'll need to call on your word-searching skills for this task—can you find them all? How many are there?

See if you can find out!

If you found one, two, or three out of the four, it means you were too hasty and should have been a bit more thorough in your search! If you found them all, it means that you were paying attention, and you deserve a congratulations! (文章來源:英文大紀元時報)

1. 玩拼圖、填字遊戲等,根據上方短文,有哪些好處?

2. 請問你有發現圖中奇怪的地方嗎?是什麼?

 (英文大紀元) (英文大紀元)

3. 請問你也玩拼圖、填字或桌遊嗎?試分享一個你最近玩過的或喜歡的遊戲。為什麼你喜歡它呢?

 (123RF) (123RF)



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