單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

Every Other Day vs. The Other Day。(123RF)
Every Other Day vs. The Other Day。(123RF)


單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

Every Other Day vs. The Other Day

● every other day

英譯:If something happens every other day or every second day, for example, it happens one day, then does not happen the next day, then happens the day after that, and so on.


◆ 例句:
I check my mailbox every other day.(我每兩天檢查一次郵箱。)

You only need to water plants every other day.(你只需每隔一天替植物澆水。)

● the other day

英譯:a few days ago(from 3 days to about 2 weeks ago)


◆ 例句:
I saw you in town the other day.(前幾天我在鎮上看到你。)

We spoke on the phone the other day.(日前我們通了電話。)◇

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