單元1. Tongue Twisters(趣味繞口令)

Can I have a lick of your ice cream。(123RF)
Can I have a lick of your ice cream。(123RF)


單元1. Tongue Twisters(趣味繞口令)

練習英文繞口令的目的,主要是能增進口說時:「發音標準」、「流暢度」與「韻律感」。學習合理的把字詞串組在一塊,何時停頓,何時加重音量,以便掌握更有效的溝通技巧。今天的繞口令主要練習:長母音u-e, a-e, i-e、短母音u、字詞串組、流暢度。

Luke Luck likes lakes.
Luke’s duck likes lakes.
Luke Luck licks lakes.
Luck’s duck licks lakes.
Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes.
Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.



Luke Luck△likes lakes
Luke’s duck△likes lakes
Luke Luck△licks lakes
Luke’s duck△licks lakes
Duck△takes licks△in lakes△Luke Luck likes
Luke Luck△takes licks△in lakes△duck likes


lick,動詞 /lɪk/ 舔(嘗) 


英解:to move the tongue across the surface of something

例句:Can I have a lick of your ice cream?(我可以舔一口你的冰淇淋嗎?)

用法:Lick one's boots,舔某人的靴子,意指「拍某人馬屁」。Don't expect me to lick his boots.(別指望我會拍他馬屁。)

lake,名詞 /leɪk/ 湖泊


英解:a large area of water surrounded by land

例句:We saw a flock of geese in the lake.

用法:go jump in the lake,去跳到河裡,意指「快滾」。Tony just wouldn't leave me alone, so I finally told him to go jump in the lake.(湯尼一直吵我,我最終對他說出快滾。)◇

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