單元3. Idioms of the Week (俗諺俚語)

I'll do whatever you ask me to, but I draw the line when you want me to lie.(123RF)
I'll do whatever you ask me to, but I draw the line when you want me to lie.(123RF)


單元3:Idioms of the Week 俗諺俚語

Draw the line

Meaning:To stop before a point where something okay gets not okay


I'll do whatever you ask me to, but I draw the line when you want me to lie.(我會做你要我做的任何事,但如果你要我說謊,恐怕是我的底線)◇

單元3. Idioms of the Week(俗諺俚語)
2022年05月09日 | 2年前
單元3. Idioms of the Week (俗諺俚語)
2022年03月14日 | 3年前
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單元2. Idioms of the Week (俗諺俚語)
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