好牛喔!MOO~ 新年一定要懂的最牛英文





2021年是十二生肖裡的牛年,英文稱 the Year of the Ox。然而,英文裡的「牛」卻有好幾種說法,我們來看看有什麼不同!

● Ox


An ox is a castrated bull.(Ox 是被閹割的 Bull)

He who will steal an egg will steal an ox.(細漢偷挽匏,大漢偷牽牛。)(臺語)註:臺語念法:Sè hàn thau bán pû, tuā-hàn thau khan gû.

● Cow


We visited a dairy farm and saw the cows being milked.(我們參觀了乳牛牧場,看到被擠牛奶的母牛。)

● Bull


Michael Jordan was a legend player on the Chicago Bulls in the history of NBA.(喬丹是NBA史上芝加哥公牛隊的傳奇球星。)

● Cattle


The cattle are grazing on the grassland.(牛在草原上吃草。)

II. 今年是屬於「牛」的一年,中文裡與「牛」有關的詞句,英文該怎麼說呢?

★ 吹牛

*Bull,名詞。當我們在玩撲克牌的「吹牛」遊戲時,若是懷疑對方說謊,則大聲喊出Bull,然後翻開對方的牌,查看對方是否吹牛。I don't want to hear your bull.(我不想聽你胡說八道。)

*Brag,動詞。She's always bragging about how much money she earns.(她總是吹噓自己錢賺得很多。)

★ 牛牽到北京還是牛

A leopard can't change its spots.(直譯:花豹無法換掉牠的斑點。)

A leopard canA leopard can't change its spots.(123RF)

★ 牛頭不對馬嘴


His comment is entirely off-topic.(他的評論完全牛頭不對馬嘴。)

★ 體壯如牛

As strong as an ox

If you go to the gym every day, you will be as strong as an ox, too.(如果你每天去健身房,也會壯得跟牛一樣。)

III. 下面的英文說法,都有「牛」參與其中,一起猜猜它們的意思吧!

(1) Hit The Bull's Eye:「擊中公牛眼?」

Mrs. Lee's comments about my problems always hit the bull's eye.(李女士對我個人問題的建議,總是⋯⋯)

(2) Like A Bull in A China Shop:「像在瓷器店裡的公牛?」

He's like a bull in a china shop, always knocking things over.(他的個性⋯⋯總是把東西碰倒。)

(3) Shoot The Bull:「獵殺公牛?」

I enjoy shooting the bull with my neighbors.(我喜歡和鄰居⋯⋯)

(4) Milk The Bull:「擠公牛奶?」

You are milking the bull if you want to change his mind.(如果你想改變他主意,根本就是⋯⋯)

(5) Like A Red Rag to A Bull:「像出現在公牛眼前的紅布?」

Don't mention his ex-wife's name; it will be like a red rag to a bull.(不要提到他前妻的名字,這會讓他⋯⋯)

(6) Take The Bull by The Horns:「抓住公牛角?」

Those who take the bull by the horns at difficult times are really brave men.(那些在艱困時刻能夠⋯⋯的人,是真正勇敢的人。)

(7) Until The Cows Come Home:「等到乳牛都回家?」

We can argue about this until the cows come home.(我們可以⋯⋯來爭論這件事。)

(8) A Cash Cow:「現金牛?」 

Daddy makes a lot of money and is the cash cow in our family.(爸爸賺很多錢,是我們家的⋯⋯)

Daddy makes a lot of money and i  the cash cow in our family.(123RF)Daddy makes a lot of money and i the cash cow in our family.(123RF)


(1)切中要旨 (2)莽撞 (3)閒談聊天 (4)徒勞無功 (5)火冒三丈 (6)面對問題 (7)花很長時間 (8)搖錢樹

IV. 老外學中文和臺語:Learning Chinese and Taiwanese


◎ 牛年大吉--niú nián dà jí

Good luck in the year of the Ox.

◎Happy 牛 Year--Happy "niú" Year

Happy "New" Year.

◎ 好運連連,多如牛毛--hǎo yùn lián lián,duō rú niú máo

Good luck comes along as much as the hair of the cow.

◎「牛」(扭)轉乾坤,行大運--niú zhuǎn qián kūn,xíng dà yùn

To turn the tables and begin to possess fortune.

◎ 牛市再現--niú shì zài xiàn

Bull market appears over and over.


◎ 牛角掛書--niú jiǎo guà shū

To study diligently.


◎ 「牛」(留)得青山在,不怕沒柴燒--niú(liú) dé qīng shān zài,bù pà méi chái shāo

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

= Where there is life, there is hope.


◎山重水複疑無路,「牛」(柳)暗花明又一村--shān qióng shuǐ jìn yí wú lù,(niú)liǔ àn huā míng yòu yī chūn

Every cloud has a silver lining.

註:衣服的「內襯」是lining;silver lining,銀色的內裡,引申為「曙光」。整句話的直譯是:每朵雲背後都有一道曙光。


◎做「牛」著拖,做人著磨(臺語)--Tsò gû tio̍h thua, tsò-lâng tio̍h buâ.

Even there are difficulties in front of us, we still work hard to overcome.


◎甘願做「牛」,毋驚無犁通拖(臺語)--Kam guān tsò gû, m̄ kiann bô lê thang thua.

If we are willing to endure suffering or sacrifice, there will be work or jobs awaiting.


V. 牛兒的個性與2021運勢

Oxen are honest and determined. They are often low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they will gain recognition through their hard work.


Men born in the Ox year are reliable and trustworthy. They put their entire heart into everything they do. They feel great responsibility towards their family as well. Meanwhile, women born in the Ox year are calm and gentle. They will never surrender to fate and rarely think of choosing an alternative.



The Ox may find it more challenging to make progress in their studies this year. Because the Ox has a strong work ethic, it can help bring a sense of steadiness to the learning journey. However, to do the groundwork for future actions is needed.



Be aware of your health this year. You will be more prone to catching minor infections this year, so make it a point to schedule routine checkups. Exercise more often, and stay away from risky activities whenever possible.



Ben Ming Nian's conflict with Tai Sui will bring significant instability to the fortunes of the Ox, and you could easily encounter something unexpected if act rashly. If you ever get into trouble, do your best to adapt to the situation. With hard work and determination, you'll find your way out again. Stay calm, and be patient with yourself are the best policy in the year of 2021.


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