Reading for Fun 好文趣事

5 Foods Common in the US but Prohibited Internationally Over Health Concerns。(123RF)
5 Foods Common in the US but Prohibited Internationally Over Health Concerns。(123RF)


5 Foods Common in the US but Prohibited Internationally Over Health Concerns

1. Genetically Modified Organisms

In the United States, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) include corn, soybeans, and canola, and more types are being introduced. GMO tomatoes are expected to be available soon.

GMOs aren’t subject to stringent restrictions in the United States, leading to considerable controversy regarding their use. Proponents argue that GMOs are safe and enable us to grow larger quantities of food, whereas many critics contend that they pose health risks.

2. Chlorine-Washed Chicken

The chicken in stores often appears white, fresh, and clean. In reality, much of this chicken has been treated with chlorine-based antimicrobial agents. This process removes and prevents bacterial growth and makes the chicken look exceptionally clean and appealing.

3. Milk Produced With Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone

Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is created through genetic recombination technology. It mimics cows’ natural growth hormone and increases milk production by stimulating the proliferation and activity of mammary cells.

4. Hormone-Treated Beef

The fourth issue involves beef from cattle treated with sex hormones. These hormones, including testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone, promote rapid growth in cattle, thereby increasing beef production. However, these sex hormones may have adverse health effects on humans.

5. Beverages Containing Brominated Vegetable Oil

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is a plant oil modified with bromine, an emulsifier used primarily in citrus-flavored drinks. The FDA regulates its maximum allowable concentration.

1. 根據本文敘述,下列何者有誤?


2. 根據本文,rBGH的功用為何?

3. 關於本文提到的5種美國常見的食物,在臺灣也一樣嗎?你知道的有哪些?


2. It mimics cows’ natural growth hormone and increases milk production.(它模擬乳牛的天然生長激素,並增加產奶量。)


5 Tips for Avoiding Those Prohibited Foods

Although they are generally more expensive, prioritizing your health by consuming higher-quality foods is worthwhile。(123RF)Although they are generally more expensive, prioritizing your health by consuming higher-quality foods is worthwhile。(123RF)

Whenever possible, opt for organic foods. Although they are generally more  expensive, prioritizing your health by consuming higher-quality foods is worthwhile.When purchasing products, carefully read the labels and choose those without added color additives, hormones, or antibiotics.Avoid beverages containing BVO additives. Instead, opt for water or alternatives like coconut water.Choose foods certified as non-GMO.Minimize consumption of packaged and processed foods.

1. 根據本文敘述,何者有誤?


2. 根據本文,儘管有機食物較貴,但選擇購買它有什麼好處?

3. 本文的5項建議,你有做到幾項?除了這些做法,你還有什麼不一樣的建議?


2.  Although they are generally more expensive, prioritizing your health by consuming higher-quality foods is worthwhile.(儘管有機食物通常花費較多,但購買較高品質的食物,把健康擺第一絕對值得。)


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