單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

We sometimes use
We sometimes use "forget" when we don't remember to bring something with us.(123RF)


單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

Forget vs. Leave

● forget

英譯:We sometimes use "forget" when we don't remember to bring something with us.


例句:I need to go back; I've forgotten my keys.(我需要回去一趟,剛忘了帶鑰匙。)

● leave

英譯:We use "leave" to mean "forget", but only if we mention the place where we left something:


例句:I left my keys at home.(我把鑰匙忘在家裡了。)

註:因此不可以說:I forgot my keys at home. (錯誤句)◇

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單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)
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單元3. Puns of the Week(雙關笑語)
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單元4. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)
2024年03月25日 | 11個月前
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