【學英文 懂新聞】臺灣6.8強震 不禁憶起921
臺灣連續兩天(9月17、18日)發生強震,尤其是9月18日發生在震央位於東部池上鄉的芮氏規模 6.8 的主震,全臺都有感,甚至造成花蓮玉里一處民宅倒塌,以及鐵路受損車廂脫軌等多起事件。讓人不禁回想起1999年921大地震,當時重創臺灣的景象,許多人應該還餘悸猶存。
《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Another Strong Earthquake Hits Southeast Taiwan, Collapses Building and Derails Train
TAIPEI—A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads.
The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.4 magnitude temblor on Saturday evening in the same area, which caused no casualties.
Taiwan’s fire department said all four people were rescued from a building housing a convenience store that collapsed in Yuli, while three people whose vehicle fell off a damaged bridge were rescued and taken to hospital.
【譯文】臺灣東南部再次發生強烈地震 建築物倒塌與火車脫軌
collapse,動詞 /kəˈlæps/ 倒塌
英解:to fall down suddenly because of pressure
例句:The bridge collapsed during the flood.(橋梁因水災而斷裂。)
derail,動詞 /ˌdiːˈreɪl/ 出軌
英解:If a train derails or is derailed, it comes off the railway tracks.
例句:The train was derailed by heavy snow.(火車因大雪而脫軌。)
temblor,名詞 /ˈtem.blɚ/ 地震
英解:an earthquake
例句:The temblor sent thousands of office workers in Los Angeles fleeing into the streets.(地震讓洛杉磯數千名上班族立即逃到街頭避難。)
casualty,名詞 /ˈkæʒ.ju.əl.ti/ 傷亡人員
英解:a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war
例句:Our aim is to reduce road casualties .(我們的目標是減少道路傷亡。)