【學英文 懂新聞】特斯拉事故頻傳 藝人賽車手也遭殃

電動車大廠特斯拉,自去(2021)年7月至今,通報273起撞車事故,涉及自動駕駛系統或電池失效等緣故,數量堪稱之最。近日一輛由臺灣名人兼職業車手林志穎所駕駛的特斯拉Model X,也因不明原因偏離車道,自撞分隔島而爆炸。特斯拉電動車安全問題,再度引發關注。
《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Pro Racer and Taiwanese Celebrity Trapped in a Burning Tesla Car
On July 22, Taiwanese Pro Racer, beloved celebrity Jimmy Lin, and his son Jenson Lin were trapped inside a crashed Tesla car. Witnesses saw Lin’s car steer to the right abruptly before hitting a pedestrian island just before reaching a highway. By the time Jimmy Lin was pulled out of the flaming vehicle, he was already unconscious, with multiple injuries to his face and body.
The car in the incident is an electric Tesla Model X car.
Taiwanese passersby saw the accident and immediately went to rescue.
【譯文】特斯拉自撞起火燃燒 臺灣名人兼職業車手受困
7月22日,臺灣職業賽車手、知名藝人林志穎和兒子林簡森(Jenson Lin)受困在撞毀的特斯拉電動車內。目擊者看到林的車輛突然右偏轉向,然後在上高速公路前撞上分隔島。當林志穎從起火燃燒的車輛中被抬出時,他已經昏迷不醒,臉部和身體有多處受傷。
事故車輛是一臺特斯拉電動車Model X。
trap,動詞 /træp/ 陷入困境
英解:If someone or something is trapped, that person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation.
例句:The two men died when they were trapped in a burning building.(兩名男子困在起火燃燒的大樓裡而喪生。)
abruptly,副詞 /əˈbrʌpt.li/ 突然
例句:He stood up abruptly and went outside.(他突然起身,向外走去。)
unconscious,形容詞 /ʌnˈkɑːn.ʃəs/ 昏迷的
英解:in the state of not being awake
例句:She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious.(她頭部遭石頭擊中,昏了過去。)
electric,形容詞 /iˈlek.trɪk/ 電動的
英解:using electricity for power
例句:The noise from the electric guitar was deafening.(電吉他發出的噪音震耳欲聾。)
*根據 SAE(國際汽車工程學會)制定標準,自動駕駛技術分為5個等級,試問目前臺灣主流自動駕駛等級為何?特斯拉自動駕駛等級又為何?◇