【學英文 懂新聞】中國上海市封城40天 配發食物腐敗藏蛆

《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Locked-Down Residents Complain About Spoiled Food Distributed By Authorities in Shanghai
Shanghai, the megacity of 26 million people, has been under lockdown for more than a month. Recently, many Shanghai residents have complained online that some of the food distributed by the local authorities has deteriorated and is not edible at all, and have questioned the legitimacy of the authorities’ food supply process.
On Chinese social media, many Shanghai residents posted that they have received moldy rice, and meat containing maggots. Some communities urgently recalled moldy duck meat contained in rationed food provided by local authorities.
【譯文】上海居民被封鎖 抱怨當局配發變質食品
deteriorate,動詞 /dɪˈtɪr.i.ə.reɪt/ 變壞
英解:to become worse
例句:She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.(上週,她的病情突然惡化,所以她被送往醫院。)
edible,形容詞 /ˈed.ə.bəl/ 可食用的
英解:suitable or safe for eating
例句:These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.(這些漿果可以食用,但那些則有毒。)
legitimacy,名詞 /ləˈdʒɪt̬.ə.mə.si/ 合理性
英解:the quality of being reasonable and acceptable
例句:I intend to challenge the legitimacy of his claim. (我打算挑戰他主張的合理性。)
ration,動詞 /ˈræʃ.ən/ 配給
英解:to limit the amount of a particular thing that someone is allowed to have
例句:I try to ration the children's TV watching to an hour a day. (我嘗試將孩子們每天看電視的時間限制在一個小時。)