【學英文 懂新聞】屏東工廠爆炸 人為疏失釀災?

《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Taiwan Factory Fire Leaves at Least 5 Dead, More Than 100 Injured
A fire and subsequent explosions at a golf ball factory in southern Taiwan killed at least five people and injured more than 100 others, and five people are still missing. The fire began on Friday night at the factory in Pingtung county and raged overnight. Three firefighters were among the dead, authorities said. Rescuers were still looking for four factory workers and one firefighter who remained unaccounted for, officials said.
【譯文】臺灣工廠大火 釀至少5死逾百人受傷
南臺灣一家高爾夫球工廠發生火災伴隨後續爆炸,造成至少5人死亡、100多人受傷,目前仍有5人失蹤。 週五晚間屏東縣一處工廠發生火災,火勢持續整夜。當局稱,死者包括三名消防員。 官員稱,救援人員仍在尋找四名工廠員工和一名消防員,目前生死未卜。
(新聞來源:《英文大紀元 》)
subsequent,形容詞 /'sʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ 隨後的
英解:happening after something else
例句:These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.(這些技藝皆已傳承給後代。)
rage,動詞 /reɪdʒ/ 肆虐
英解:to happen in a strong or violent way
例句:A flu epidemic is raging in local schools.(流感疫情正肆虐當地學校。)
rescuer,名詞 /'res.kjuː.ɚ/ 救援人員
英解:a person who helps someone out of a dangerous situation
例句:As dark fell, rescuers were still searching for missing climbers.(夜幕降臨,救援人員仍在尋找失蹤登山客。)
unaccounted for,形容詞 /ˌʌn.ə'kaʊn.tɪd/ 生死未卜的
英解:If a person is unaccounted for, it is not known where they are or whether they are still alive.
例句:Hundreds of people are still unaccounted for after the floods.(水災後仍有數百人下落不明。)
* 近日才發生臺北大直房屋,因鄰近工地未按部就班施作,造成地層下陷與嚴重傾斜等重大公安事故;怎料屏東工廠又發生爆炸火災,奪走數名英勇消防員的寶貴生命。針對這些與人身安全有關事件,您有什麼看法?
* 當火災發生時,我們應該具備哪些基本常識好自保?日常生活中又有哪些細節須注意以防範未然?◇