單元2. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

The mechanic assured him the car would be ready the next day.(123RF)
The mechanic assured him the car would be ready the next day.(123RF)


單元2. Tricky Words(容易混淆的字詞)

assure vs. ensure

● assure (v.)/əˈʃʊr/ 向人保證(用說的)

英解:to promise or say with confidence

◆ 例句:The mechanic assured him the car would be ready the next day.(技師向他保證,汽車隔天就可以修好。)


● ensure (v.)/ɪnˈʃʊr/ 確定...事發生

英解:to make certain

◆ 例句:To ensure that the job is done, I will follow up tomorrow.(要確定工作完成,我明天會追蹤進度。)

註:=make sure。◇

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