【學英文 懂新聞】確診人數激增 臺灣平安渡過難關!?

Taipei City and New Taipei City have upgraded their epidemic alerts to level 3 from May 15 to 28.(123RF)
Taipei City and New Taipei City have upgraded their epidemic alerts to level 3 from May 15 to 28.(123RF)




Stricken by Unexpected Surge in COVID-19 Cases, Is Taiwan Losing or Winning?

After experiencing accelerating tensions and threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for months, Taiwan is now troubled with more unexpected emergent situations, namely its first significant local outbreak of COVID-19.

After being looked up to as a role model for its approach for dealing with the CCP virus pandemic, Taiwan suddenly experienced a surge in local cases.

Taipei City and New Taipei City have upgraded their epidemic alerts to level 3 from May 15 to 28. Restrictions have been imposed for many activities and industries. Residents are encouraged to stay home, gather less, go out less, and to wear masks whenever they go out.


Residents are encouraged to stay home, gather less, go out less, and to wear masks whenever they go out.(123RF)Residents are encouraged to stay home, gather less, go out less, and to wear masks whenever they go out.(123RF)







surge,名詞 /sɝːdʒ/ 遽增


英解:a sudden and great increase

例句:She felt a sudden surge of anger.(她突然暴怒。)

用法:可當「動詞」。例,An angry crowd surged through the gates.(憤怒的人群湧入大門。)

outbreak,名詞 /ˈaʊtˌbreɪk/ 爆發


英解:the sudden start of war, disease, violence etc.

例句:An outbreak of food poisoning led to the deaths of ten people.(食物中毒暴發,導致10人死亡。)

用法:若用動詞描述則為:break out。例,We started our business before the global pandemic broke out.(在全球流行病大爆發之前,我們開展了業務。)

upgrade,動詞 /ʌpˈɡreɪd/ 升級


英解:to officially give someone or something a higher status

例句:We can upgrade you to business class.(我們可以將您升等至商務艙。)

用法:downgrade「降級」。例,Because of rising costs, the family was required to downgrade their insurance coverage.(因為價格上漲,這一家人必須降低其保險覆蓋範圍。)

alert,名詞 /əˈlɝːt/ 警報


英解:a warning to people to be prepared to deal with something dangerous

例句:The community was warned to be on the alert for the suspicious persons.(針對可疑人士,社區被警告要保持警戒。)

用法:可當形容詞,「警覺的」。例,Parents should be alert to sudden changes in children's behavior.(父母應該對孩子行為的突然轉變有所警覺。)

impose,動詞 /ɪmˈpoʊz/ 強制實行


英解:to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received

例句:Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.


用法:另一意思「把⋯⋯強加於」,例:I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.(我不希望他們將自己的宗教信仰強加在我孩子身上。)





相關單字:intimidated adj. 害怕的、reduce v. 減少、panic n. 恐慌、behavior n. 行為、prevent v. 阻止、spread v. 擴散。◇

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2021年05月28日 | 3年前