單元1:Reading for Fun (好文趣事)



文章 I :

Dear Youngsters of America,

I was born in 1955 and blessed with a mother and father who taught me and my brother and two sisters the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the simplest rule, “Honesty is the best policy.”

Mom and Dad also taught us that “Giving is better than receiving” and I realized how true that was when I did something for someone in need. It was a win-win!

My parents also taught me the value of hard work and earning a living. My first paying job was at 8 years old cleaning stalls at a nearby horse ranch for $.50 an hour, but the immense pride of buying my first bicycle a year later was powerful. I developed a strong work ethic to carry me through a successful career that I recently retired from.

Which brings me to my final advice to the Next Generation: If government and society will still allow you to earn a living in the future, make sure it is doing something that you love, because then you won't “work” a day in your life.

Paul Golde


這篇文章中談到的重要價值,有哪些? (123RF)這篇文章中談到的重要價值,有哪些? (123RF)


1. 這篇文章中談到的重要價值,有哪些? 
2. 文章中「施比受更有福」的英文?
3. 分享一句你銘記在心中的價值或格言?源自哪裡或誰曾說過的?

1. 解答:
the Ten Commandments;the Golden Rule;Honesty is the best policy;Giving is better than receiving;Hard work and earning a living;Work ethic;Doing something that you love

2.解答:Giving is better than receiving

文章 II:

As Franklin and so many others have told us, there are three basic ways to grow personal wealth: earn more, spend less, or practice a combination of both. We as individuals have the power to do these things.

To my younger readers, please heed my warning about my mistakes. Start thinking now how you can lead a debt-free life and save money for your old age. Talk to people who have done these things successfully and learn from them.

To my older readers, particularly those past 60 who find themselves with little hope of retirement, let's take responsibility for who, what, and where we are, and appreciate what we have. In my case, I have little money, but I've lived a full life and generally wake every morning delighting in simple pleasures: that first coffee on the porch, writing and reading, the doctor-recommended stroll through the neighborhood, conversations on the phone with family or friends.

Frugality is a defense against indebtedness, simplicity a gift that often brings freedom. Practicing both allows us to take joy wherever we may find it.


Benjamin Franklin班傑明‧富蘭克林。(123RF)Benjamin Franklin班傑明‧富蘭克林。(123RF)


1. 富蘭克林建議,哪三個辦法可以致富? 
2. 實踐哪兩種生活模式,能讓我們找到真正的快樂? 
3. 分享一個如何使自己快樂的方法。

1. 解答:Earn more, spend less, or practice a combination of both.

2. 解答:Frugality and simplicity(節儉和簡單)◇

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