哈吉貝強颱襲日 近60人死亡

日本受到哈吉貝颱風肆虐,死亡人數已攀升至49人。圖為JR東日本的長野新幹線機廠,120節車廂泡水。(JIJI PRESS / AFP)
日本受到哈吉貝颱風肆虐,死亡人數已攀升至49人。圖為JR東日本的長野新幹線機廠,120節車廂泡水。(JIJI PRESS / AFP)









People in Japan are dealing with the aftermath of Typhoon Hagibis. The death toll now stands at 49 as cleanup efforts are underway in many areas.

In addition to the fatalities, 14 people are listed as missing. More than 200 others were injured during the weekend storm.

Officials say up to 40 percent of the yearly rainfall was recorded in only a day or two in many areas.

The storm caused more than a hundred rivers to overflow. Levees broke in at least 21, flooding streets and residential areas.

The Chikuma River in Nagano Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo, is among them.

Roads are completely submerged with muddy water. Houses across the region were flooded with up to three meters of water.

"I have no idea how to sweep away this mud. It is a real problem," said one resident.

A railway bridge collapsed into the river and floodwaters disrupted railway services. A maintenance depot for the Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train line was flooded.

East Japan Railway reports 10 trains, with a total of 120 carriages, were damaged by water levels that rose to an estimated four meters.

In Tomioka City north of Tokyo, a landslide washed away several homes, leaving at least 4 people dead.

颱風哈吉貝重創日本 至少26死
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