【學英文 懂新聞】拜登命賀錦麗 全權處理非法移民

Biden Says Harris Will Lead Efforts to Stem Border Surge
President Joe Biden announced on March 24 that Vice President Kamala Harris will be tapped to lead the administration’s efforts in stemming the influx of illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border.
“This increase has been consequential, but the vice president has agreed……to lead our diplomatic effort and to work with those nations to accept the returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders,” Biden said.
“It’s not her full responsibility job, but she is leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who……speaks for me, doesn’t have to check with me. She knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along,” he told reporters, according to pool reports.
總統拜登(Joe Biden)3月24日宣布,副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)將被任命帶領美國政府遏制美墨邊境非法移民的湧入。
☆stem,動詞 /stem/ 遏止
英解:to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing
例句: The measures are meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.(這些措施旨在遏制非法移民的浪潮。)
用法:另一意思是「止血」,例:A tight bandage should stem the bleeding.(紮緊繃帶應可止血。)
☆surge,名詞 /sɝːdʒ/ 遽增
英解:a sudden and great increase
例句:There has been a surge in Bitcoin prices recently.(比特幣價格最近遽增。)
用法:也可當動詞用,例:The company's profits have surged.(公司的利潤激增許多。)
☆tap,動詞 /tæp/ 任命
英解:to choose someone for a task
例句:The President has tapped a former Justice Department official to lead the FBI.(總統任命一名前司法部官員來領導聯邦調查局。)
用法:常用作「竊聽」之意。He suspected that his phone had been tapped.(他懷疑自己的電話被人竊聽了。)
☆influx,名詞 /ˈɪn.flʌks/ 湧入
英解:the fact of a large number of people or things arriving at the same time
例句:The hotel has received a large influx of guests.(飯店已接待大批湧入的住客。)
☆consequential,形容詞 /ˌkɒn.sɪˈkwen.tʃəl/ 隨之而來的
英解:happening as a result of something
例句:She was injured and suffered a consequential loss of earnings.(她受傷後,收入也隨之減少。)
用法:也可拼寫成 consequent,The drought and consequent famine struck most of the country.(乾旱和隨之而來的飢荒,席捲全國大部分地區。)
相關單字:refugee n. 難民;illegal adj. 非法的;immigrant n. 移民;identification n. 身分。◇