【看川普推特學英文】動員聯邦力量 川普維持社會秩序

5月底非裔美籍男子佛洛伊德(George Floyd)遭「白人」警察壓頸致死後,「種族(歧視)議題」再次躍然。居住在美東、西兩岸傾向自由的人士紛紛上街抗議。西岸奧勒岡州第一大城波特蘭,也爆發大規模的抗議,甚至演變成暴動破壞,持續至今。總統川普見州政府與市政府無所做為,只好動員聯邦力量鎮暴,維持社會秩序。
Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our
Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our
Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted
Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don't do
上午6:28 · 2020年7月28日
● anarchist,名詞 /ˈæn.ɚ.kɪst/無政府主義者
英解:a person who believes that there should be no government or laws
例句:The anarchist movement and its radicalism provided a crucial background for the introduction of Marxist ideas.(無政府主義運動及其激進主義為引入馬克思主義思想提供了重要背景。)
用法:anarchism,名詞 /ˈænə(r)ˌkɪz(ə)m/ 無政府主義。以-ism為字尾的單字意思,多為「⋯⋯主義。」anarchic,形容詞 /əˈnɑːr.kɪk/ 無政府(混亂)狀態的,自然發音:a-NAR-chi-c。例如:The situation in the city is becoming increasingly anarchic.(該市的現況(秩序),越來越呈現無政府狀態。)
● agitator,/ˈædʒɪˌteɪtər/煽動者
英解:someone who tries to make people take part in protests and political activities, especially ones that cause trouble
例句:Agitators were exciting the people to rebel against their rulers.(煽動者鼓譟著人民反抗統治者。)
用法:agitate,動詞,「有擾動、激起的意思」。可作1.「使焦慮」,Don't agitate yourself over it.(不要太焦慮。)2.「公開大聲疾呼」,The unions continue to agitate for higher pay.(工會持續鼓譟,要求提高薪資。)
● protestor,名詞 /prəˈtes.tɚ/抗議人士
英解:someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.
例句:The loud protester was ejected from the scene.(大聲抗議者被趕出場外。)
● vandalize,動詞 /ˈvændəlaɪz/蓄意破壞(公物)
英解:to intentionally damage property belonging to other people
例句:The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.(外牆被噴漆破壞,胡亂塗鴉。)
用法:英式拼法:vandalise。搗亂分子(vandal),Vandals smashed windows and overturned cars in the downtown shopping district.(搗亂分子在市中心購物區,砸毀窗戶、推倒車輛。)
● prosecute,動詞 /ˈprɑː.sə.kjuːt/起訴
英解:to officially accuse someone of a crime and ask a court of law to judge them
例句:He was prosecuted for fraud.(他因詐騙被起訴。)
用法:請注意分辨兩字的拼音:prosecution(起訴)vs. persecution(迫害)
The group of Falun Gong practitioners has been under persecution by the Chinese Communist Party since 1999.(1999年以來,法輪功學員團體,持續遭到中國共產黨的迫害。)
● re-enact,動詞 /ˌriː.ɪˈnækt/再次進行
英解:If you re-enact an event, you try to make it happen again in exactly the same way that it happened the first time
例句:At the church, children re-enacted the Christmas story.(孩子們在教堂裡表演,重現聖誕節的故事。)
用法:也可拼寫成 reenact。enact,動詞 /ɪˈnækt/ 執(實)行, Under a new law, universities must enact smoke-free policies on their campuses.(根據新法規,各大學必須在校內實施無菸政策。)
● parade,遊行(動詞/名詞),多用於慶祝類型的遊行。例如:New Year's Day Parade(新年遊行)
● protest,抗議活動(動詞/名詞)。例如:a peaceful protest(和平的抗議)
● strike,罷工(動詞/名詞)。例如,All 3000 workers went on strike in protest at the decision to close the factory.(三千名工人,因工廠關閉而罷工抗議。)
● march,遊行(動詞/名詞),可用於展示支持的或反對類型的遊行。例如,protest march(抗議的遊行)◇