加國老爺爺因這事老淚縱橫 感動上百萬網民


ABC新聞報導,加拿大安大略省居民羅洛(Bianca Rollo)發現懷孕時,迫不及待地想要告訴最疼愛她的祖父。


「我們一起去划船、騎摩托車、逛社區內的車庫舊貨大拍賣(garage sale)以及外出吃冰淇淋」,她說,「爺爺愛屋及烏,也很疼愛她的先生及她養的狗狗。」



Great Grandpa to be!

"I am the first grandchild. So my Papa and I have a special bond, different from my brother and sister. Growing up, we would always do things together. Go on boat rides, go fishing, garage sale shopping, motorcycle rides, ice cream outings. We had a lot in common and always had a lot of fun together. I was very excited to share the news that my husband and I were expecting with him because I knew how happy he would be that he would get to "re-live" our relationship with his future grandchild. My grandmother (Baba) passed away in 2008 and over the last few years something has been missing in our family. Even though I know nothing will replace her, it makes me so happy to be able to bring new life into our family. This is the reaction my 85-year-old Papa had when we told him we were expecting his first great grandchild. He loves t-shirts so we made him one for Father's Day that said "GREAT GRANDPA to be...December 2017". My Papa loves his grandkids and I'm so excited for him to meet his great grandchild in December." ❤️ #LoveWhatMatters A Love What Matters Original Video Submitted by Bianca Rollo

Love What Matters 貼上了 2017年7月1日



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