【學英文 懂新聞】東京奧運平安落幕 美國逆轉勝中國
Tokyo Olympics End and Team USA Beating Out China
The International Olympics Committee declared the Tokyo Olympics officially closed, with officials claiming the Games were a success despite the pandemic.
Team USA’s 39 gold medals are the 11th-most golds it has won during an Olympics. At the same time, Team USA took home 113 medals overall, with 41 silver and 33 bronze.
Japan, the host of the Games, won 27 gold medals, good enough for third place. Great Britain was fourth with 22 gold medals.
China came in second to Team USA with 38 gold medals.
Women’s medals made up nearly 60 percent of Team USA’s total. Team USA’s men won about 41 medals in the Olympic events—the fewest in U.S. history of the modern Games, which started in 1896.
【譯文】東京奧運閉幕 美國隊擊敗中國隊
東道主日本獲得27面金牌,排名第三。英國以 22 面金牌位居第四。
beat out,動詞 /biːt/ 戰勝
英解:to defeat someone
例句:Atlanta beat out Athens for the privilege of hosting the 1996 Olympics.(亞特蘭大擊敗雅典獲得舉辦 1996 年奧運會的特權。)
medal,名詞 /ˈmedəl/ 獎牌
英解:a small flat piece of metal that you are given for winning a competition
例句:Xiao Tai won a silver medal in badminton.(小戴在羽球比賽中獲得銀牌。)
host,名詞 /hoʊst/ 主辦
英解: place or organization that provides the space and other necessary things for a special event
例句:Japan is playing host to the Olympic Games in the year of 2020.(日本正舉辦 2020 年的奧運會。)
make up,動詞 /meɪk/ /ʌp/ 組成
英解: to combine together to form something larger
例句:Muslims make up 55% of the population.(穆斯林占總人口的 55%。)
*所謂「臺上三分鐘,臺下十年功」,每一位參與奧運的選手,幾乎都靠累積平日的努力練習,一步一腳印的堅持走到最後,才有機會在關鍵時刻展現實力。請問你也有類似的經驗嗎? 最終結果,是否如你預期?
相關單字:Tokyo Olympic n. 東京奧運、performance n. 成績表現、pay attention to v. 關注、Three minutes on stage takes ten years of hard work. 「臺上三分鐘,臺下十年功」。◇