【影片】助女孩走路的服務犬 享「狗狗最美好一天」



「『狗狗最美好一天』(Dog’s Best Day)獎,喬治受之無愧,它改變了我女兒的生活。」貝拉的媽媽蕾切爾‧柏頓(Rachel Burton)感恩表示。

貝拉患有莫奎歐氏症(Morquio syndrome),這種遺傳性疾病也稱第四型黏多醣症,是體內缺乏分解黏多醣的酵素引起:由於骨頭及軟骨不能正常發育,孩子會停滯不長高,面容、骨骼、器官功能及運動機能都會發生改變,嚴重者也會影響壽命……

和很多病童一樣,貝拉在平衡和運動方面都遇到了困難,為此,蕾切爾決定為女兒找一隻服務犬。在為服務犬項目(Service Dog Project, Inc.)做志工一年之後,她將志願犬喬治帶給了貝拉。

該項目工作人員梅根(Megan Kokaras)回憶說,第一次與貝拉見面,喬治就像見到世界上最美事物一般。貝拉則說,「第一次和喬治一起走路的感覺太棒了!我已經那麼久沒有走過路了。而我又能(走)了!它讓我變得前所未有的獨立!」

Just loved this video of these two! It shows how much George cares for Bella. I could have taped much longer also. At first Bella was so scared about having George run next to her because she didn't want to crash into him and have him get hurt. But I told her that George knows to stay away, just like when we use the wheelchair. George keeps his distance. And he did. He wanted to run right with her and keep a close eye. Seeing their bond grow more everyday is an amazing process to see. Seeing Bella gain strength is amazing! Is she pain free? No. But she has been doing more things lately then we ever thought. But then again we were told that she will more than likely never ride a 2-wheeler and last year she proved everyone wrong with that! Even today we went back up to Kittery Trading Post. Now we have been up there a couple times in the last say 4 months, one of the woman who work there commented today on how much better Bella seems to be walking. She noticed a change in her posture and confidence in just a couple visits. I know seeing Bella and George is something you won't forget anytime soon but to notice a change in how she walks and everything must be a huge difference for someone to notice. This same woman asked where George was from and when I told her she said she was just talking to a gentleman the other day who has a Fabulous Failure from service dog project and she told him how Bella and George have come to the store. He said he has meet George before. But of course we don't know who it is. Also I was asked in the ladies room if Bella and George were the 2 that Fox News did a story about in Ma a few weeks ago. I said yes and she knew she recognized them and had to share the news with her family. We made sure to pass out a few of Bella and George's business cards while we were there whenever someone asked. So now that it is way past posting time I should end. Hopefully I didn't make you wait to long to read about the adventures of Bella and George. Love Bella and George. . P.S. Hope you enjoy the video

Bella and George 貼上了 2015年4月5日


她們先來到波士頓地標性的豪華酒店——卡布里大廈酒店(The Fairmont Copley Plaza),門童熱情地和喬治打著招呼。今天,他們就從那裡出發,享受開心一日遊。

Peek a boo

Bella and George 貼上了 2016年2月18日

先是Walburgers Fenways漢堡店的經理親手給喬治奉上特製漢堡大餐……

然後是波士頓城外滑雪勝地——藍山(Blue Hills)滑雪場。當日滑雪訓練區域只為貝拉和喬治開放,任狗狗撒歡瘋跑!

回到市區,他們造訪Polka Dots Bakery,這家寵物點心店為喬治開專場。品嚐各種小食後,喬治鍾情的顯然還是大骨棒……








2016年11月27日 | 7年前